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The image displays a set of seven stickers with white borders. The stickers include a cartoon roller skate with a face, a cartoon girl with colorful hair and a yellow bow, a pair of yellow sunglasses, a cartoon sunflower wearing sunglasses, a smiling pink ice cream with a waffle cone bottom, a camping scene with a rounded trailer and a fire, and a white and orange clownfish swimming in a blue background. All stickers are die-cut with a white border.
The image shows three stickers, each featuring an orange and white striped cartoon-like clownfish. The first sticker is a die-cut with a white border outline around the fish. The second sticker is round with a white border and blue background. The third sticker is a rounded square with a white border and blue background.


The image shows three rolls of die-cut stickers on a white background. The first roll features a single clownfish seen three times on the roll, the second roll has a sticker of a young girl with wildly colourful hair and a yellow bow, and the third roll features a rectangular white label with The Ad Shop logo.


The image shows two white shirts stacked on top of each other. On the front chest of each shirt, there is a white and orange clownfish with the word "Fish" written in orange lettering, matching the color of the clownfish.


Our promise

Bringing your creativity to life, one sticker at a time.

At TheAdShop, we promise to provide our customers with high-quality stickers that are durable, vibrant, and unique. We are committed to offering a wide range of designs that appeal to all tastes and preferences. We also guarantee exceptional customer service, ensuring that every customer is satisfied with their purchase. Our mission is to inspire creativity and self-expression through the power of stickers, and we promise to continue delivering on this mission every day.

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